Perustigmus Verhoeff, 1941
The valid name for Perustigmus Verhoeff, 1941 is Cormocephalus Newport, 1844
Perustigmus Verhoeff, 1941
Original description: Verhoeff K.W. (1951). Chilopoden und Diplopoden. In: E. Titschck (ed.), Beiträge zur Fauna Perus - Hamburg, 1(2): 5-80, see p. 63.
Order: Scolopendromorpha
Family: Scolopendridae
Original rank: genus
Type species:
Synonymy: Shelley R.M. & Chagas A. Jr. (2004). Perustigmus and Perustigminae Verhoeff, 1941, invalid genus- and family-group names in the centipede family Scolopendridae (Scolopendromorpha) - Entomological News, 115: 178-179, see p. 178.
Notes: Unavailable because it was proposed after 1931 without a designated type species. It was placed in synonymy by Shelley & Chagas (2005 - Ent. News, 115(2004)(3): 173).