Megethmus Cook, 1896

The valid name for Megethmus Cook, 1896 is Mecistocephalus Newport, 1843

Megethmus Cook, 1896

Original description: Cook O.F. (1896). An arrangement of the Geophilidae a family of Chilopoda - Proceedings of the United States National Museum , 18: 63-75, see p. 61.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Mecistocephalidae

Original rank: subgenus

Type species: Mecistocephalus microporus Haase,1887 - by original designation

Synonymy: Bonato L., Foddai D., Minelli A. (2001). Increase by duplication and loss of invariance of segment number in the centipede Mecistocephalus microporus (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha, Mecistocephalidae) - Italian Journal of Zoology , 68: 345-352, see p. 345.