Partygarrupius Verhoeff, 1939

Partygarrupius Verhoeff, 1939

Original description: Verhoeff K.W. (1939). Chilopoden der Insel Mauritius - Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, 72: 71-98, see p. 87.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Mecistocephalidae

Original rank: subgenus

Type species: Tygarrup moiwaensis Takakuwa, 1934 - by monotypy

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Foddai D., Bonato L., Pereira L.A., Minelli A. (2003). Phylogeny and systematics of the Arrupinae (Chilopoda Geophilomorpha Mecistocephalidae) with the description of a new dwarfed species - Journal of Natural History , 37: 1247-1267, see p. 1253.

Valid Species:

Notes: It has been raised to the genus rank by Foddai, Bonato, Pereira & Minelli (2003 - J. Nat. Hist., 37: 1253).