Sundageophilus Bonato, Klarner, Widyastuti, Scheu, 2016

Sundageophilus Bonato, Klarner, Widyastuti, Scheu, 2016

Original description: Bonato L., Klarner B., Widyastuti R., Scheu S. (2016). The first geophilid centipedes from Malesia: a new genus with two new species from Sumatra (Chilopoda, Geophilidae) - ZooKeys, 605: 53-71, see p. 56.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Geophilidae

Original rank: genus

Type species: Sundageophilus bidentatus Bonato, Klarner, Widyastuti, Scheu,2016

Valid Species: