Monotarsobius auritus Verhoeff,1943

The valid name for Monotarsobius auritus Verhoeff,1943 is Lithobius lakatnicensis (Verhoeff, 1926)

Monotarsobius auritus Verhoeff,1943

Original description: Verhoeff K.W. (1943). Über Chilopoden aus westbalkanischen Höhlen - Zeitschrift für Karst-und Höhlenkunde, 1942-43: 133-152, see p. 143.

Order: Lithobiomorpha

Family: Lithobiidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Monotarsobius Verhoeff, 1905

Type locality: Greece: Temna-Hohle Sud Mazedoniens

Synonymy: Stoev P. (2001). A synopsis of the Bulgarian cave centipedes (Chilopoda) - Arthropoda Selecta, 10: 31-54, see p. 34.