Archilithobius dorsopinorum Kenyon,1893
The valid name for Archilithobius dorsopinorum Kenyon,1893 is Nadabius pullus (Bollman, 1887)
Archilithobius dorsopinorum Kenyon,1893
Original description: Kenyon F.C. (1893). A preliminary list of the Myriapoda of Nebraska, with descriptions of new species. - Publications of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 3: 14-18, see p. 17.
Order: Lithobiomorpha
Family: Lithobiidae
Original rank: species
Original genus: Archilithobius Stuxberg, 1875
Type locality: Nebraska: Sioux Co., Squaw Canyon
Synonymy: Mercurio R.J. (2010). An annotated catalog of centipedes (Chilopoda) from the United States of America, Canada and Greenland (1758-2008) - Xlibris, Milton Keynes, 560 pp., see p. 139.
Notes: Described as n. sp. also in Kenyan [sic] (1893 - The Canadian Entomologist, 25: 162, type loc. not detailed) and Kenyon (1893 - Entomological News, 4: 247, type loc. Pine Ridge, Sioux County, Nebraska)