Lithobius (Sigibius) duboscqui Brölemann, 1884
The valid name for Lithobius (Sigibius) duboscqui Brölemann, 1884 is Lithobius microps (Meinert, 1868)
Lithobius (Sigibius) duboscqui Brölemann, 1884
Original description: Broelemann H.W. (1884). Matériaux pour servir à une faune des myriapodes de France - Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes, ***, see p. 2.
Order: Lithobiomorpha
Family: Lithobiidae
Original rank: species
Original genus: Lithobius Leach, 1814
Type locality: "Sannois", "Asnières-sur-Oise (Seine-et-Oise)", "forêt d'Andaine (Orne)", "Coutances (Manche)" (France)
Synonymy: Eason E.H. (1974). The type specimens and identity of the species described in the genus Lithobius by F. Meinert and now preserved in the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen University (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society of London , 55: 1-52, see p. 4, 7.