Bothropolys magnificus Hoffer,1935
The valid name for Bothropolys magnificus Hoffer,1935 is Eupolybothrus gloriastygis (Absolon, 1916)
Bothropolys magnificus Hoffer,1935
Original description: Hoffer A. (1936). Un chilopode cavernicole nouveau de Yougloslavie Bothropolys magnificus n. sp. - Sborník Klubu Prírodovédeckého v Brne, 18: 66-71, see p. 2.
Order: Lithobiomorpha
Family: Lithobiidae
Original rank: species
Original genus: Bothropolys Wood, 1862
Type locality: Montenegro: Grotte Golodraznica, Risan (district de Kotor, banovina Zetska, Yougoslavie)
Synonymy: Stoev P. (1997). A check-list of the centipedes of the Balkan peninsula with some taxonomic notes and a complete bibliography (Chilopoda) - Entomologica Scandinavica (suppl.), 51: 87-105, see p. 91.
Notes: non Lithobius magnificus Trozina, 1895