Tidabius suitus Chamberlin, 1911

Tidabius suitus Chamberlin, 1911

Original description: Chamberlin R.V. (1911). The Lithobiomorpha of the South-eastern states - Annals of the Entomological Society of America , 4: 32-48, see p. 41.

Order: Lithobiomorpha

Family: Lithobiidae

Original rank: varietas

Original genus: Tidabius Chamberlin, 1913

Type locality: North Carolina: Hot Springs

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Hoffman R.L. (1995). The centipeds (Chilopoda) of Virginia: A first list - Banisteria, 5: 20-32, see p. 30.


-- within Northern America: Alabama; Illinois; New Jersey; North Carolina; Tennessee