Paobius vagrans Chamberlin, 1916

Paobius vagrans Chamberlin, 1916

Original description: Chamberlin R.V. (1916). The lithobiid genera Oabius, Kiberbius, Paobius, Arebius, Nothembius and Tigobius - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, 57: 115-201, see p. 169.

Order: Lithobiomorpha

Family: Lithobiidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Paobius Chamberlin, 1916

Type locality: Vermont: St. Johnsbury

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Kevan D.K.McE. (1983). A preliminary survey of known and potentially Canadian and Alaskan centipedes (Chilopoda) - Canadian Journal of Zoology , 61: 2938-2955, see p. 2949.


-- within Northern America: Vermont