Kethops leioceps Chamberlin, 1925

The valid name for Kethops leioceps Chamberlin, 1925 is Kethops utahensis (Chamberlin, 1909)

Kethops leioceps Chamberlin, 1925

Original description: Chamberlin R.V. (1925). Notes on some centipeds and millipeds from Utah - Pan-Pacific Entomologist , 2: 55-63, see p. 57.

Order: Scolopendromorpha

Family: Scolopocryptopidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Kethops Chamberlin, 1912

Type locality: USA, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Mill Creek Canyon

Synonymy: Shelley R.M. (2002). A synopsis of the North American centipedes of the order Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda) - Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir, 5: viii+108 pp., see p. 77.