Schendylurus montivagus Turk,1955

The valid name for Schendylurus montivagus Turk,1955 is Schendylops pallidus (Kraus, 1955)

Schendylurus montivagus Turk,1955

Original description: Turk F.A. (1955). The chilopods of Peru with descriptions of new species and some zoogeographical notes on the Peruvian chilopod fauna - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , 125: 469-504, see p. 478.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Schendylidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Schendylurus Silvestri, 1907

Type locality: Peru

Synonymy: Pereira L.A. (1983). Estudios sobre geofilomorfos neotropicales VII. Sobre algunas especies andinas del genero Schendylurus Silvestri 1907 (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Schendylidae) - Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina , 42: 55-74, see p. 60, 67.