Schendylops olivaceus (Crabill,1972)

Schendylops olivaceus (Crabill,1972)

Original description: Crabill R.E. jr. (1972). A new Neotropical Schendylurus with key to its South America congeners. Chilopoda Geophilomorpha Schendylidae. - Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington , 74: 18-21, see p. 9.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Schendylidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Schendylurus Silvestri, 1907

Type locality: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos Orgãos

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Pereira L.A., Minelli A. (1996). The species of the genus Schendylurus Silvestri, 1907 of Argentina Brazil and Paraguay - Tropical Zoology, 9: 225-295, see p. 295.


-- within Southern America: Rio de Janeiro