Polygonarea villosa Lawrence, 1955

The valid name for Polygonarea villosa Lawrence, 1955 is Ribautia natalica (Verhoeff, 1939)

Polygonarea villosa Lawrence, 1955

Original description: Lawrence R.F. (1955). A revision of the centipedes (Chilopoda) of Natal and Zululand - Annals of the Natal Museum, 13: 121-174, see p. 136.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Geophilidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Polygonarea Attems, 1909

Type locality: Pietermaritzburg

Synonymy: Lawrence R.F. (1955). A revision of the centipedes (Chilopoda) of Natal and Zululand - Annals of the Natal Museum, 13: 121-174, see p. 136.

Notes: Originally described as possibly identical with Ribautia natalica Verhoeff, 1939.