Schendylops virgingordae (Crabill,1960)

Schendylops virgingordae (Crabill,1960)

Original description: Crabill R.E. jr. (1960). A new American genus of cryptopid centipede with an annotated key to the scolopendromorph genera from America north of Mexico - Proceedings of the United States National Museum , 111: 1-15, see p. 181.

Order: Geophilomorpha

Family: Schendylidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Schendylurus Silvestri, 1907

Type locality: British West Indies: Île Vierge Gorda

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Pereira L.A. (1999). Un nuoveau cas de dimorphisme sexuel chez les Schendylidae: Schendylops virgingordae (Crabill, 1960), espèce halophile nuovelle pour la Martinique (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha) - Zoosystema, 21: 525-533, see p. 527.


-- within Southern America: British Virgin Is.; Venezuela; Virgin Is.