Cryptops iporangensis Ázara & Ferreira, 2013

Cryptops iporangensis Ázara & Ferreira, 2013

Original description: Ázara L. N., Ferreira R. L. (2013). The first troglobitic Cryptops (Trigonocryptops) (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) from South America and the description of a non-troglobitic species from Brazil - Zootaxa, 3709 (5): 432-444, see p. 433.

Order: Scolopendromorpha

Family: Cryptopidae

Original rank: species

Original genus: Cryptops Leach, 1815

Type locality: Ressurgência da Areias Cave, Iporonga, São Paulo, Brazil

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Ázara L. N., Ferreira R. L. (2013). The first troglobitic Cryptops (Trigonocryptops) (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) from South America and the description of a non-troglobitic species from Brazil - Zootaxa, 3709 (5): 432-444, see p. 433.


-- within Southern America: São Paulo