Kethops utahensis utahensis Chamberlin, 1909
Kethops utahensis utahensis Chamberlin, 1909.
Original description: Chamberlin R.V. (1909). A Newportia in Utah - Canadian Entomologist , 41: 27-30, see p. 29.
Order: Scolopendromorpha
Original rank: species
Family: Scolopocryptopidae
Original genus: Kethops Chamberlin, 1912.
Type locality: USA, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Warm Springs
Last taxonomic scrutiny: Shelley R.M. (2002).A synopsis of the North American centipedes of the order Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda) - Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir, 5: viii+108 pp., see p. 77.