Scolopendra trigonopodus trigonopodus Leach, 1817

Scolopendra trigonopodus trigonopodus Leach, 1817.

Original description: Leach W.E. (1817). The zoological miscellany, being the descriptions of new ar interesting animals. III. XII. The caracters of the genera of the class Myriopoda. - Taylor, London, 3: 31-45, 10 pl., see p. 36.

Order: Scolopendromorpha

Original rank: species

Family: Scolopendridae

Original genus: Ethmostigmus Pocock, 1898.

Type locality: unknown as reference is unavailable

Last taxonomic scrutiny: Schileyko A.A., Stagl V. (2004).The collection of scolopendromorph centipedes (Chilopoda) in the Natural History Museum in Vienna: a critical re-evaluation of former taxonomic identifications - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie B, 105B: 67-137, see p. 114.


-- within Africa: Canary Is.

Notes: Records from Turkey and Bismarck Archipelago (Witu Islands) are questionable