Branchiostoma lithobioides lithobioides Newport, 1845
Branchiostoma lithobioides lithobioides Newport, 1845.
Original description: Newport G. (1845). Monograph of the class Myriapoda order Chilopoda; with observations on the general arrangement of the Articulata - Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 19: 265-302, 349-439, see p. 411.
Order: Scolopendromorpha
Original rank: species
Family: Scolopendridae
Original genus: Rhysida Wood, 1862.
Type locality: China
Last taxonomic scrutiny: Attems C. (1930).Myriopoda. 2. Scolopendromorpha - Das Tierreich. De Gruyter, Berlin, 54: 1-308, see p. 187.
-- within Southern America: Virgin Is.
Notes: Possibly present also in Myanmar