Rhysida longipes brevicornis Takakuwa, 1934

The valid name for Rhysida longipes brevicornis Takakuwa, 1934 is Rhysida longipes (Newport,1845)

Rhysida longipes brevicornis Takakuwa, 1934.

Original description: Takakuwa Y. (1934). Über drei neue Arten der Chilopoden aus Formosa und Marshallinseln - Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 24: 221-225, see p. 224.

Order: Scolopendromorpha

Original rank:

Family: Scolopendridae

Original genus: Rhysida Wood, 1862.

Type locality: Taiwan (Formosa)

Synonymy: Chao J.-L., Chang H.-W. (2003).The scolopendromrph centipedes (Chilopoda) of Taiwan - African Invertebrates, 44(1): 1-11, see p. 8.