Kesubius Chamberlin, 1925

The valid name for Kesubius Chamberlin, 1925 is Lithobius Leach, 1814

Kesubius Chamberlin, 1925

Original description: Chamberlin R.V. (1925). A new lithobiomorphous chilopod from Uruguay - Entomological News, 36: 120-121, see p. 120.

Order: Lithobiomorpha

Family: Lithobiidae

Original rank: genus

Type species: Kesubius syntheticus Chamberlin, 1925 - by original designation

Synonymy: Eason E.H. (1974). The type specimens and identity of the species described in the genus Lithobius by F. Meinert and now preserved in the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen University (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society of London , 55: 1-52, see p. 18.

Notes: syn. of Lithobius (Alokobius) according to Attems (1938 - Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle, n.s., 6: 344)